Newsletter # 29 - How to read passwords and sensitive data from the command-line using Swift Jul 26 2020

Hello, and welcome to issue #29!

I hope you are well where ever you are. These are weird times we live in, a lot of terrible news around the globe. But that doesn't mean that we can't make it better. Make sure you help improve your little part of the world, sometimes small gestures have a big impact on people's lives (including our own).

These last few weeks, I've been busy working on a few open-source projects, trying to give back to the world of open-source. And having a good time doing it. The following are some of the project's I've been contributing to. And a tool I've open-sourced for everyone to use:

If you are new to open-source and wish to contribute, there are a lot of projects out there. If you want something to dip your toes in, you should have a look at Octoprofile. I built a basic plugin-system that you can easily extend, so you can add more dynamic content and only focus on your plugin. The tool is simple, and that is the whole point of it, so anyone can take it and extend it. Give it a try. You might find it useful.

Also, I published an article on how to handle sensitive data on your command-line tools written in Swift. If you are interested here is the link:

 How to read passwords and sensitive data from the command-line using Swift 

As you can see, I've been busy having fun writing and coding. I've also been reading some interesting posts.

Interesting things I've come across

I wanted to share this short post on the difference between Enter and Return keys. I think you'll enjoy:

 Daring Fireball: Return and Enter Are Two Different Keys 

And also this post on Apple giving security researchers a device to analyse the OS and the applications.

 Apple Security Research Device Program - Apple Developer 

Depending on how Apple handles this, it might be helpful for security researchers. The problem I see is that once you get that device, you might be tied up to the agreement of only releasing information to Apple. But what happens if the security vulnerabilities are not patched in a timely manner? Will researchers be able to disclose security flaws after an appropriate wait time(90 days is usual)? We'll have to wait and see.

Ok, that is it for this newsletter. I hope you liked it.

Until next time,


Tip of the week

This week the tip of the week is not a technical one, but still useful.

I sometimes find myself avoiding doing the work I wanted to accomplish by getting busy doing some ancillary tasks. I saw this blogpost on "doing the real thing", and thought I should apply it, and it has been very rewarding. It amounts to don't trick yourself into thinking you are going to accomplish something by doing something else, do the real thing.

The tip of the week is to read the article and implement it with whatever you set yourself to do. I hope it is useful, here is the link:

 Do the Real Thing | Scott H Young 

** If you want to check what else I'm currently doing, be sure to follow me on twitter @rderik or subscribe to the newsletter. If you want to send me a direct message, you can send it to