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Newsletter # 28 - Understanding the Swift Argument Parser and working with STDIN Jul 8 2020

Hello, and welcome to issue #28!

I've been working with computers for most of my life, and especially on *nix systems. It always surprises me how much there is to learn. It's always interesting to read about the history of some part of the OS that...


Newsletter # 27 - guides Jun 27 2020

Hello, and welcome to issue #27!

This week is an exciting week for all the Apple fans out there. A lot of new changes, as is the custom for WWDC. We finally got the announcement of the move to Apple Silicon (Apple's own ARM processors), which has...


Newsletter # 26 - Notes on FreeBSD UFS partition schema Jun 3 2020

Hello, and welcome to issue #26!

Did you manage to see the launch of SpaceX first crew mission? It was a success! There were 10.3 million concurrent watchers on the stream, that's massive. If you somehow miss it here is the link to article...


Newsletter # 25 - Using the script command to record a terminal session May 27 2020

Hello, and welcome to issue #25!

How is your week going? I hope you are doing ok.

A lot of exciting news this week. First, there is a new jailbreak for iOS. Whatever your stance might be with jailbreaking. I'm always impressed by the depth of knowledge...


Newsletter # 24 - Migrating an old JavaScript codebase to modern JavaScript May 21 2020

Hello, and welcome to issue #24!

I wonder why we always seek novelty. Maybe it is because there is the illusion that this new thing might finally be the perfect solution without tradeoffs. I began many years ago to explore Linux because it might be...


Newsletter # 23 - Compiling a custom FreeBSD kernel for Parallels VirtualMachine May 14 2020

Hello, and welcome to issue #23!

How are things your way? I hope that coping1 well with the changes and keeping safe. Things are quite different from what I expect them to be by this time in the year. I was hoping this year I was going to make a significant...


Newsletter # 22 - Changing the blog path in Middleman May 7 2020

Hello, and welcome to issue #22 of the Newsletter.

How is life? I hope everything is going well. I've been enjoying my time exploring FreeBSD Jails, and ZFS. FreeBSD is such an interesting Operating System. The sense of integration is quite refreshing...


Newsletter # 21 - Scanning a process' memory using LLDB Mar 26 2020

Hello, and welcome to issue #21!

How is everything going? I hope you and yours are safe. What a crazy world we are living in now, right? I guess every generation thinks they are living a period that will change history. Who knows, maybe this time the...


Newsletter # 20 - A small LLDB-Python script Mar 1 2020

Hello, and welcome to issue #20.

I'm back! Between work and learning, I haven't had much time to write a proper blog post for the last few weeks. I also don't want only to post because it's the weekend. I like to write something that it's useful and...


Newsletter # 19 - Resigning iOS apps from an IPA for mobile security research Feb 9 2020


Welcome to issue #19, I hope you had a good start of the month.

As you might have noticed by my latest posts, I've been exploring the exciting field of cybersecurity. I've always enjoyed understanding the base components of what makes our cyber...